Sign up if you would like to be a test audience to try out the technology ahead of the launch.

Biodivergent Sites and Sounds (BSS) shines a light on the importance of preserving waterways and landscapes via autistic female led activities. Through a series of sensory art-making sessions in Leeds (Cole’s Gallery) and London (Canal & River Trust, Harlesden Primary School/Young Brent Foundation) participants will examine ‘autistic stimming’ as an act of power, self-expression and creativity, and share local stories/sounds towards an online interactive site mapping soundscapes of Harlesden Canal. These digital trails will illustrate autistic lived experience linking technology and music to create experiences attuned to place, community, biodiversity and the natural world, culminating in a public exhibition (Kentish Town); with workshops/events on the Neurodivergent (ND) voice, often rendered invisible in the arts, and its role in ecological activism.